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B-BBEE Verification

Your all inclusive guide through the verification process


Understanding your level

Companies with an annual turnover lower than R10 million qualify as an Exempted Micro Enterprise (EME). This means they are not measured on a BEE scorecard and automatically receive a Level 4 rating.

  • 100% Black-Owned EME – Level 1
  • 51% or more Black-Owned EME – Level 2
  • Any other EME – Level 4

Nevertheless, EMEs can, of their own accord, go beyond a Level-4 BEE rating.

EMEs automatically qualify as Empowering Suppliers so their customers are able to claim BEE points when buying from them.

Under the Amended BEE Codes, businesses have been tasked with dedicating 15% of their total Measured Procurement Spend to EMEs each year, thereby increasing the opportunities for EME growth in South Africa.


Declaring your EME status

As of the May 2015, the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the DTI) lists the following requirements to being an EME:

  • Obtaining a sworn affidavit or Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) Certificate on an annual basis.The sworn affidavit must be signed by the Commissioner of Oaths.
  • Stating under oath its B-BBEE credentials annually, or obtaining a CIPC Certificate to that effect for as long as the annual turnover is below R10 million
  • Disclosing to any person, organ of state or public entity if its empowerment status changes at any point after it has made an affidavit or obtained the certificate from CIPC.

The EME must desist from knowingly submitting an affidavit or CIPC certificate with incorrect or false information as that would amount to non-compliance with the Act, and perjury.

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Verification Planning and Scheduling

Once we’ve received and accepted your Verification Application, we’ll allocate you a Verification Analyst. The analyst will arrange to meet with you at your office to provide B-BBEE training and take you through the items you can claim BEE points for.

Understanding the rules applicable to you will ensure your scorecard is a true reflection of your BEE Status.

During this meeting, our analyst will show you what evidence is required for verification, and leave a checklist with you to use in preparing what is needed.

Once you have gathered the required evidence (which we encourage you to do within 30 days), our analyst will start the valuation process.

Assessment of Collected Evidence

Now, our analyst determines which evidence needs to be audited. We then provide you with a verification plan and schedule.

On-site Verification

Once you have signed-off the Verification Plan, BEE Online will conduct an on-site verification which will include:

  • Client Briefing – We introduce our team and resolve any last-minute issues or questions.
  • Verification of Each Element – We then verify each element required in the Codes according to the verification plan.
  • Exit Briefing – Once we’ve completed the on-site verification, we will set up a final meeting with your management team to discuss any issues and further actions to be taken.

Finalisation of Verification Report

Now, our Verification Manager audits your file to ensure you are compliant with SANAS R47, the BEE Codes of Good Practice and our internal standards and procedures.

We then provide you with a report of our verification findings. You will have 30 days to appeal or query any result of the Verification, which is carefully considered through our independent appeals procedure

Should there be no appeals and all your verification queries have been completely resolved, we will issue you with a final BBBEE Verified Scorecard and Certificate.